Friday, December 6, 2013

Land with few people, Depopulation revitalization, Cocreation creates neocomunication.

Dear Friends.

Today, I would love to share my thought.

Hirose area ( One of far westend of Tenkawa village's town)
This area is very exclusive. Far away from everything, everybody.

Very rare area, people live up to the top of pinnacle.  

Houses around half way of hillside. Stunning views. 

View from above house. No other house in Tenkawa has this views.

Tenkawa is great place for lifestyle of "Hybrid Sustainable Lifeworks".
City and rural, back and force, switch on and off as life style.
create funds in the city, spend money in rural for beginning as investment,
do a little as possible, relatively nothing... but carbon neutral and detox your mind and body...

This area has potential and owns;

Solar Power Resources (Full Sun Aspect.)
Pure high frequent quality water. (Essence)
Fire place by local woods (Essence)
1.2hr drives from Shimoichi station.
Delivery from post available (Next day delivery.)
Historically, sustained lifestyle.
Deep philosophy (Nara is deep spiritual area.)

Kokuo Shrine sit in the deep forrest.

Kokuo Shrine. Kokuo means KING in English. It might be this lifestyle is like king in 21st century. 

This type of lifestyle can be very popular some of area in overseas. I remembered when I lived in LA and Paris, wealthy family dose owned houses in the city and farm house in the rural area. Long summer vacation spend most of their time in rural farm house. But here in Tenkawa, even Nara,  I don't hear any of these life style yet (it might be someone, I just don't know.). but focus can be sustainable cocreative community as rural lifestyle. and work and enjoy in the city as vibrant energetic condensed time. like a sponges, fill your energy in one area, release energy in the other...

It could be great approach to family who has no country home and a partially uturning family.
It could be one of solution for depopulated area in Japan.

To be honest, I don't enjoy just talking. This is my vision of our future in 21st century.

Thank you for reading my thought.


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