Sunday, December 8, 2013

Agriculture & Agroforestry Acquire majority of HySuFi.

Dear Readers.

Advance projection of new visual concept can be significant requirement today.
Where I live a place called Tenkawa village has deep inspiration of new type of life style.

Today, I would love to share with friends about what I thought it could be great if all of us can enjoy doing it. no matter where we live in today, My instinct said we all face similar problem in our society of modern world today. Linkage between, foods supply, energy supply, information supply and our precious time to our children and future.

Today's blog, I want to talk with Tenkawa's agriculture, agroforestry.

Not only us, our friends loves Tenkawa's vegetables. even we just grow at small vegetable patch or neighborhood made. This area is great potential, it might be quality pure water.
Of cause limited sun available and temperature has strong gap between night and day.
This can be important recipe. Winter freeze,too.

My point is agriculture in Tenkawa,  our village dose not have farmer as business.
Conclusion of agriculture in Tenkawa is,

*Tenkawa has limited land.
*Tenkawa's vegetable is great taste.
*Tenkawa has NO farmer as business.
*Lots of people might enjoy doing farming or enjoy vegetable that they know where comes from.

Agroforestry in Tenkawa has long history. someone said at least 400 years.
This means, Not only tree plantation, trading, managing, real estate, production has also long history. unfortunately, It went down after cheaper imported trees arrived in Japan and labour costs did not work out. last 40 years, Cedar & Cypress tree plantation gets out of control and became unsustainable & partly dangerous lands. Our society has limited vision due to economy balance today. Conclution of agroforestry in Tenkawa is,

* Tenkawa has long agroforestry history.
* Due to economy, Agroforestry business has small industry today.
* Agroforestry still has a key of sustainability future in rural Japan.

My touchdown of thought is "Hybrid Sustainable Lifeworks".
We must have a vision of 21st century of lifestyle in JAPAN.

Even agriculture in Tenkawa has potential if city people can input energy into agriculture.
It could be more interesting, City people do faming in rural area. even me, i have some ideas.
Organic products are always essence of sustainable lifestyle. So, organic is always for future.
and even more exciting, if you live with wholefoods and using your compost into organic farm.
basically, this is traditional living style but it could be great potential as you become a part of sustainability. less footprint is better lives, but positive footprint reverse damage of our environment.
This is higher living thought. and this can be positive campaign of rural lifestyle. my point is always vision is important. procedure leads by vision.
Agroforestry owns rights of the lands today, Without vision from agroforestry, rural lifestyle can not creates. but Agroforestry faced new paradigm shift.  No same business model can work in the future. No mono-crop agroforestry can work out, diversity of living kind has to comingle in sustainable area. Agroforestry requires completely different skill.  More conductor skill than speciality skills.

These two different industries are very important in rural society. Because this is where has most strength in Tenkawa. I could imagine most of rural area is similar.

If our life can be sustainable for future, we are on the way to sustain. Sustainable lifestyle is very difficult with one person, one family..but if many families get together, we can vision strongly.

Long story conclusion,  Co-creative Community Concept with Hybrid Sustainable Lifestyle based on organic and conscious of footprint.

I truly wish we can inspire each other for better future.

I am appreciated that you read my blog today.

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