Monday, July 8, 2013

MIKUMARI Shrine in Tenkawa

Dear Friends

There are many shrines and temples in Tenkawa because 1,300 years of history. And some of shrines and temples are still relate and lively working by local people, some of shrine just sit and maintained by local people. as Tenkawa shrine are most known and important shrine in Tenkawa history, Priests has highly respect and dose work another local shrines for keep their tradition and history existing.

Every 1st weekend of July, Mikumari shrine (水分神社: means or has meaning of moisture which relate with water like Tenkawa shrine.) had summer gathering and ceremony.

In this place has tradition of “Naki sumo” contest. Sumo is usually fought against man by man. But this sumo is fight by children under 3 years old. And whichever cry first, become winner. Sorry, I missed this contests but this is lineup of children name.

All children's name in contest. look like sumo's tounament.

Entrance of Mimakuri Shrine.
In center, There are sumo stage which is center of circle area.

People from other village brought lights to Shrine.

These lights went inside of Shrine stage.

Early night, people from another village areas brought light to this shrine and as tradition, follow week, People from this village will bring to another shrine ceremony, it means by the end of main festivals, all village light get together and bring to main festival at Tenkawa shrine. It’s very nice tradition.

Thank you for reading TenkawaLife.  

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