Thursday, July 4, 2013

Essence of grace

Dear Friends.

Today, I documented one of local shrine ceremony. This shrine sit by the river of heaven, The origin of establishment goes back in 14th century emperor called “長慶天皇” “Emperor Chōkei”.

Shrine has everything about Japanese spirits.

Tenkawa's water got type of mineral makes so bright and spiritualy moved your soul.

Details, materials and setting has hermony with nature.

This statue said emperor's visiting place.

Today, we can go closer to shrine stage, always offering foods, vegies and rice wine (Sake) on the stage.

Rice cakes (Mochi) has offered to gods of shrine. Handmade by local people.

Today, I'm honor to phograph this much close to inside of shrine.

After ceremony, village people offered some foods and drinks, very nice feeling.

Throwing Mochi are tradition of shrine life.

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