Tuesday, July 23, 2013

REI TAISAI 例大祭 " Benzaiten Shrine Big Festival"

Dear Friends and Readers.

I enjoyed so much this celebration.

17th July is one of most important day of Tenkawa Benzai Tensha. (天河大辨財天社 天河神社).

In the morning of 17th, had ceremony for opening one of door of God’s sacred house. In this shrine, many gods statues stands and lives. all represents gods, of cause, it is prohibited to take any direct photograph of any kind.

After this ceremony, They held fire ceremony called “Goma taki 護摩焚き” very strong energetic fire ceremony held by Yamabushi “山伏”.

Night is dancing and enjoying alive by dancing and singing, and big drumming by children. (Benten daiko: 弁天太鼓) was epic.

Tradition of local village still remained by local people. Love to share with all of friends.   

Beautiful weather & sun. You can seee light of refrection quite clearly.

Fire stared on top of mountain (2 days trip) , brought here for ceremony. nothing written, only knew by friend told me.

Feel of pride and dignity. Ujiko "氏子" leading ceremony beharf of all.  

Shinto's taiko.

Gagaku ensenble, (雅楽) beutiful elegant tone of sounds.  
Yamabushi (山伏)dedicated fire ceremony by traditional procedure.

Nothing put of floor, stands forr fire woods.
Soward for control energy of fire.
Smoke moves like a dragon and we all in this smoke some moment.

Benten daiko, young mates trained very well.

A moment.

Bon odori. Dancers dance and walk around main stage.

Nice to hear many unknown traditional music.

Dedicate a dance and music for god of sarsvati's shrine.

Dear Friends and Readers.

16th & 17th July, In Tenkawa village held yearly festival(not like a Australian festival :) ) called “ Rei Tai Sai 例大祭” in Benzaiten Tenkawa Shrine.

Evening of 16th night had dancers and musician celebrate this big festival and pray to Gods by performing their way of communications. And there were many witnesses who attended this celebration and pray the moment of wellbeing.

Sacred "Miko" san dance, move and pray using sticks, fans and bells.

Many witnesses between "Noh" stage and enrty stairs to Gods.
Miss Kunitomo pray energetic dance with full of smile.
 Singer from  http://ahbproduction.com/ beautiful voice and stunning energy.
Dancers were, Mr & Miss Kunitomo brothers who were wellknown danceers in Japan.

Mr Hiroki OKANO has more than 20 years of musician carrier who performed overseas, Japan and Tenkawa Shrine. Please see his profile site, He is one of great musician existing today in Japan.

Shrine master "Guji sama" Mr Kakisaka talked behalf of Gods and Shrine told us and we learnt full of gratitude.
Thank you for reading.

Monday, July 8, 2013

MIKUMARI Shrine in Tenkawa

Dear Friends

There are many shrines and temples in Tenkawa because 1,300 years of history. And some of shrines and temples are still relate and lively working by local people, some of shrine just sit and maintained by local people. as Tenkawa shrine are most known and important shrine in Tenkawa history, Priests has highly respect and dose work another local shrines for keep their tradition and history existing.

Every 1st weekend of July, Mikumari shrine (水分神社: means or has meaning of moisture which relate with water like Tenkawa shrine.) had summer gathering and ceremony.

In this place has tradition of “Naki sumo” contest. Sumo is usually fought against man by man. But this sumo is fight by children under 3 years old. And whichever cry first, become winner. Sorry, I missed this contests but this is lineup of children name.

All children's name in contest. look like sumo's tounament.

Entrance of Mimakuri Shrine.
In center, There are sumo stage which is center of circle area.

People from other village brought lights to Shrine.

These lights went inside of Shrine stage.

Early night, people from another village areas brought light to this shrine and as tradition, follow week, People from this village will bring to another shrine ceremony, it means by the end of main festivals, all village light get together and bring to main festival at Tenkawa shrine. It’s very nice tradition.

Thank you for reading TenkawaLife.  

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Essence of grace

Dear Friends.

Today, I documented one of local shrine ceremony. This shrine sit by the river of heaven, The origin of establishment goes back in 14th century emperor called “長慶天皇” “Emperor Chōkei”.

Shrine has everything about Japanese spirits.

Tenkawa's water got type of mineral makes so bright and spiritualy moved your soul.

Details, materials and setting has hermony with nature.

This statue said emperor's visiting place.

Today, we can go closer to shrine stage, always offering foods, vegies and rice wine (Sake) on the stage.

Rice cakes (Mochi) has offered to gods of shrine. Handmade by local people.

Today, I'm honor to phograph this much close to inside of shrine.

After ceremony, village people offered some foods and drinks, very nice feeling.

Throwing Mochi are tradition of shrine life.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Team work

Dear Friends

Dorogawa area had cleaning day today. Many volunteers from village went into forest and river collect many rubbish for keep clean our beautiful village. Tenkawa still has little village concept in their minds which called “Yui no Seishin”(Spirit of Yui)  結の精神“. Mr Kurumadani (車谷 健三様)who manage bottling company in Dorogawa told me. Originally Yui means “Knot” “Join together”, with Spirit is like a team work in English. Team work or Join work in your living became one spirit of Yui is here in Dorogawa area. I felt oneness might be closest word in English…have you ever felt this wherever you live ? me, this is first time.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Forrest of Sarasvati

Dear Friends.

One of area of Tenkawa mountain called " Forrest of Sarasvati". In Japanese, " Benten no Mori".
It's untouched forrest area of world heritage by UNESCO.
Depth of moss life explains micro cosmic life exsisting here.. stunning area.
From infomation center of Tenkawa, 40min drive, 1.5hr walk.

Flowers in June.

Dear Friends

Lovely images of flowers, color is not strong like Australian flowers, but has subtlety of elegance.