Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Harvest Moon in TENKAWA

Dear Friends and Readers.

How are you ?

I am enjoying wonderful time in place called Tenkawa, Yoshino, NARA.
Not far from Koyasan (KOYA SAN) where Japanese Buddhism started 1,200 years ago.

Vital energetic force reflected by full moon. here in Sep full moon.
High altitude make clear air. water brings energy into land that create environment.
But all these can not work without brother of our planet.


It's so fascinating. The SUN gave light energy to moon, we get energy from MOON.
Perfect balance of gravity creates tide of ocean and effect to whole planet of earth.
Shrine master told us water came from space. and it relate with moon.

Love to stay in the night of full moon Tenkawa.

Fire ceremony. it always important. 

Gyoja 行者様 hold this fire control by swords and custom of tradition. 

Ladies step on fire logs for health and longevity.

Beautiful moon through forrest of God's shrine.

Perfect night for empty your mind and be spiritual being.

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