Thursday, August 1, 2013

Eco museum tour at Dorogawa

Dear Friends and readers.

Our council operating a place of eco-museum in Dorogawa, Tenkawa village.
Eco-museum is sitting by the river of heaven where spring fountain start around there.
So, beautiful water source and visitors can learn WATER, HISTORY and ENVIRONMENT.

Today, I joined with eco-tour with children between 6-12 years old.
This tour today, We all go to river and catch insects lives in the river.  
After inspect, we can learn how important environment is. This following of education is
such a important. Because these insects lives here with harmony for keep a clean cycle of environment. Not just live individual, this is eco system.

Mr Kozo Tani who is environmental scientist lectured to us. He is also author of many books.

Everyone has a bucket and sieve. So, we can catch and learn about environment of river.

Mr Tani instruct kids how we can catch insects which lives underwater.

All families and enjoy seeking insects under water. Dad and Mum are also serious

Compare underwater insects data from last year and this year. River has not change at all from last year.

Mr Tani is my hero. He told kids why we should care by catching insects. It was great class to join.  

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