Friday, June 28, 2013

Sacred waterfall in Tenkawa

Dear Friends

Tenkawa had much rain last few days, now water level is high and little bit unclear.
but you can see how beautiful water and waterfall in Tenkawa. just amazing color.

Just amazing light green blue clear water and sacred nature waterfall beside driveway of Tenkawa 168 road.

Bottom of river, there are many fresh water fisherman in this area. Fish is called "Ayu".

Village people's vegie gardens.

Evern very small space of garden became real functioned vegie garden in Tenkawa.

Fresh tomato grows well.

Drying under the roof, it must be using straws for something real reasons..

Pumpkins leads to upwards by using rock walls. very smart idea.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hourly time rainfall report in Tenkawa

Dear Friends and readers.

 So much rain last few days in Tenkawa village, it’s great to know weather condition especially rainfall amount around this area. Here is the Japanese site of rainfall at Dorogawa area.



Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Legend man in my area.

Dear Friends

Story of sacred man.
"En no gyoja" is the one of big legendally man in Tenkawa from 7th century. He trained and became highly spiritual man and learnt witchcraft doing many incredible things and opened path of pilgrim of Kii mountain ridges with two ogres. This man sounds like superman in 7th century did amazing contribution of history of Shinto and universe of Japan. So, if you do something great in your life, you will become statues after hundreds of years…I need to understand “why” he is the superman… anyway, I’ll keep post when I found out more details.

Picture left, he is “En no gyoja”

They are two ogres who support "En no gyoja"

Monday, June 24, 2013

TEN KAWA >> My first village council's work.

Dear friends and readers.

Life is amazing.

This is how I feel today.

After I left Australia, I managed eco style store in Byron Bay for 9years,
Now, I am here living in Tenkawa NARA Prefecture.

NARA Prefecture had one of old history in Japan where met culture and life from abroad.

As from today, I work at " Policy of planning division" in Tenkawa village as contracted worker. My work will be supporting village people by doing promotion of village lifestyle and bring more people and family to our Village, “Tenkawa”.

TENKAWA means “The river of heaven” where stream of water meets. Beautiful crystal clear water.

Tenkawa surrounded by holy mountains (Higest around Kii peninsula), Tenkawa is center of deep range of Kii range. World heritaged area, Shinto Jinja and temple from 7th century.

So much things to write about, so many story to tell about, so many beautiful places I can go and photograph for. so many elders I can learn and tell friends about,

Now I am typing this blog at council office with many council people.

I will do best for what I think it's interesting for people to read this blog. I do.

Have a nice week !